On Christmas Eve, Brave Girls' Yejin shared a new photo along with a handwritten message for her fans. Through the girls' official Twitter, Yejin wrote, "In celebration of Christmas Eve, I wrote a few things for everyone, even though I'm a bit shy about sharing it ^^. I went to perform 'Ma Boy 2' for the show's Christmas special and took a picture with our Electroboyz seniors!!!!" On her message card, she also wrote, "Hello, this is Brave Girls' Yejin =) The year 2011 has gone by so fast in the blink of an eye... I hope that everyone achieves everything they want in 2012~ =) Don't forget to take care of your health as well! Spend a Merry Christmas with your friends and family! Also look out for Brave Girls!! I promise to become a Yejin that always works hard." Netizens commented, "Jealous of Maboos~", "A stunning Rudolph beauty", "Her handwriting is as pretty as her face", and "I love watching 'Ma Boy 2' performances!" [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]
Brave Girls' Yejin writes a Christmas card for her fans
Posted by 42 pts Saturday, December 24, 2011
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