On September 22nd, an online community board shared a photo comparing Block B's leader Zico and actor Kang Seung Yoon. The post was titled "Kang Seung Yoon and Zico! Who is who?" and featured a side-by-side comparison of the two, who showed strikingly similar facial features, hairstyles, and expressions to the camera. s Upon first glance, netizens claimed that they were looking at twins. Some commented, "Wow, they really do resemble each other. They could pass for siblings", and "I want to see a photo of them together, it would be interesting." Interestingly enough, Zico already has an older brother in the industry: Co-Ed's Taewoon. Source + Photos: Naver
Block B's Zico is Kang Seung Yoon's doppelganger?
Posted by 42 pts Friday, September 23, 2011
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