Recently, actor So Ji Sub took part in a photoshoot for men's fashion magazine, 'Esquire Korea'. The shoot was supported by both Thom Browne and Cartier. So Ji Sub's concept was 'American Classic Twist', so the star was styled in a variety of suits - cashmere, checkered, and light summer suits, just to name a few. For each new shot, So Ji Sub showed off a luxurious, classic watch from Cartier to complete the look. With eyes full of confidence and a relaxed demeanour, So Ji Sub effectively expressed the idea of a gentleman with a modern twist on vintage styles. The full pictorial can be found in the September issue of 'Esquire Korea'. [gallery columns=4] Source + Photos: Star News via Nate
So Ji Sub transforms into a classic gentleman for 'Esquire'
Posted by 0 pt Saturday, August 20, 2011
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