On August 29th, Boom shared the photo shown above with his fans, along with the tweet, "Let's do it together. Idols, Boom will hold you in his arms. Let's work towards making a bright entertainment, fighting." In the photo, Boom is standing with his eyes closed and arms wide open in front of a poster that reads, "Welcome Boom-nim, ssanti (slang for cheap or crazy) that penetrates the heart." Netizens responded to this amusing picture with comments such as, "You bring a bright energy to entertainment", "Welcome, it is now time for Boom's generation", and "I'm looking forward to your entertainment!" After having been discharged from the army on August 22nd, Boom has been appointed as a regular cast member on variety programs such as SBS's 'Strong Heart' and 'Star King', and will also be acting as the permanent DJ for SBS's 'Young Street' radio, starting on September 1st.
Boom wants to hug all idol singers?
Posted by 2 pts Tuesday, August 30, 2011
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