After recently debuting in Japan, After School member Nana was picked to be the main model for the famous Japanese fashion show, "Tokyo Girls Collection." Working as a supermodel before becoming a celebrity in After School, Nana's height and modeling skills were the reasons why she was picked. Several singers have modeled for this collection in the past, but none were chosen to be the main model. An official stated, "Japanese girls are envious of the professional models in the 'Tokyo Girls Collection,' and for a singer to appear as the main model instead of singing / performing is quite rare." The Tokyo Girls Collection is held in Japan twice a year as a Fashion Festival and the latest Japanese fashion trends are shown worldwide. The event brings in an audience of over 30,000 and this event will be held on September 3rd. Source: Nate
Nana becomes the main model for famous Japanese fashion show
Posted by 1 pt Tuesday, August 30, 2011
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