World-star Rain has caught the attention of "Transformers" director Michael Bay. On the June 25th episode of KBS 2TV's "Entertainment Weekly," reporters met with the director and cast of the latest installment of the "Transformers" series, "Dark Side of the Moon." When asked if he knew any Korean actors, Bay responded, "There's one that I know who came to our office not long ago. He's also a singer. He did this dance," and proceeded to imitate Rain's choreography for "Love Song." The reporters then asked what the director thought of Rain as an actor to which he replied, "I really like him. He's good." Shia LaBeouf was also interviewed and asked whether he had ever visited Korea. "I have," he replied, "and it was really beautiful" to which co-star Rosie Huntington-Whitely added, "I'd like to visit there soon too." Actor Tyrese left a comment that he is friends with J.Y. Park and Rain along with a message for the two asking to give him a call soon. Source & Photo: Newsen via Nate
Rain draws the attention of "Transformers" director Michael Bay
Posted by 0 pt Sunday, June 26, 2011
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