Actress Kim Ha Neul threw aside her 'good girl' image for a more sultry look with 'GQ' magazine. The magazine's July issue sees Kim Ha Neul pull off a sexy concept, in which she dons a sheer black outfit as well as a revealing red dress. Reportedly, the actress was delighted when she saw herself in the mirror after she was outfitted. She exclaimed, "Very pretty. It's very pretty!". During her interview segment, the actress revealed her thoughts about her image and the fear she felt upon entering the entertainment industry. She also discussed how her stereotypes about fellow actresses dissipated after she met a few on KBS's '1 Night 2 Days'. Kim Ha Neul also revealed her personality quirks, saying that she feels the most lonely when she wakes up in the middle of the night, and that she drinks soju at her friend's house when she's sad. The actress' new movie, 'Blind', is set to open in theaters this coming August. [gallery] Source: Sports Chosun via Nate
Kim Ha Neul vamps it up for 'GQ'
Posted by 2 pts Monday, June 20, 2011
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