Davichi's Kang Min Kyung recently shared her surprise vacation pictures with her fans. On May 8th, the singer tweeted, "We took a sudden break to Namhae after watching '1Night 2Days'. We went to Tongyoung for a quick visit and found a really pretty island where we regained our energy!". She also uploaded multiple pictures showcasing her own beauty as well as her fellow group member Haeri. In the revealed photos, Kang Min Kyung is seen wearing a blue knit and a pair of shorts and posing in various places. Her pale milky skin and cute expressions have captured the hearts of many male fans. Netizens commented, "The weather seems to be cloudy but seems sunny because of Min Kyung", "It's nice to see you smile", "You really sparkle!". [gallery columns=4] Source: BNT News via Nate
Davichi goes on a vacation
Posted by 2 pts Monday, May 9, 2011
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