Comedian/MC Kim Jae Dong's 'sneaky operation' of sending female celebrities text messages has been thrusted into the spotlight. On the March 28th broadcast of SBS's "Night After Night", MC/After School's UEE asked guest/rocker Yoon Do Hyun the meaning behind the text messages sent by Kim Jae Dong. UEE stated, "Kim Jae Dong-sshi keeps inviting females to go mountain hiking via texts. Are his intentions pure?" She added, "Not long ago, Yoo In Na-sshi guested on this show. I don't know when he got her number, but he sent her a message about going to the mountain together. I have also received this kind of text message from him in the past." Yoon Do Hyun replied, "Kim Jae Dong really likes women. He's getting older and he lives by himself, so he's probably lonely. Today, I will only reveal this much" - driving a wedge into Kim Jae Dong's 'playbook'. Comedian Kim Sook, who was also a guest on this day, added, "He never sent me that kind of message. He only sends texts to beautiful, single, female celebrities." Kim Jae Dong looked obviously shocked at the accusations, but viewers showed much interest in the situation because he did not defend himself right away. Source: Osen
What was the intention behind Kim Jae Dong's texts to UEE & Yoo In Na?
Posted by 11 pts Tuesday, March 29, 2011
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