After School's Kahi and UEE have showed off their healthy, voluptuous bodies in a recent photoshoot. Kahi and UEE have transformed into spring goddesses for their latest pictorial with 'W' magazine. The photoshoot's concept was 'In 2 Color' , it utilized colors which were expected to be popular for the upcoming spring season, such as red, orange, pink, and blue. Kahi and UEE sported these colors wearing bold outfits that bring together a fun mix of disco and pop art. Those who viewed the photos commented, "Just looking at it makes me feel like spring has come" and "They sure are the terminators of all those with great bodies." Currently, both Kahi and UEE are working on their upcoming After School album. Source: Star News via Nate
After School's Kahi and UEE for 'W'
Posted by 6 pts Tuesday, March 15, 2011
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