Actor Noh Min Woo had fans cooing over his new set of photos. On February 3rd, the former Trax drummer posted that he was so hungry, he was going to visit his grandmother's to get fed. Later in the day, he revealed a two pictures of himself with his beloved grandma. He tweeted,
"Ah - hungry. Because I am most hungry, I'm going to go see my grandma. Food attack Our grandma. Very very excited :-)"In his childhood photo, Noh Min Woo is seen with a bowl-cut hairstyle, sitting comfortably on his grandma's lap. If her leopard-print pants weren't enough to prove her coolness, he posted a more recent photo of her, in which she's donned headphones and gave a rocker sign to the camera. Fans commented, "Aww ~ as a child you were so cute; now grown into a handsome man.. ^^" and "Your grandma's so cool!keke..rock n roll just like her grandson" Noh Min Woo is currently busy filming for his upcoming drama, "Midas." Source: Noh Min Woo's Twitter (@ROCKOUT529)
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