Actress Kim Hye Soo recently revealed photos of her golden collarbone line during her family trip to the Philippines. On February 17th via her mini-hompy, she uploaded the photos along with the comment, "Because of a big family, it was hard to arrange a family trip. But thanks to my dongsaeng, our family was able to enjoy a great time on a trip. A family trip after one million years." In the photos, Kim Hye Soo has no makeup on and is wearing sunglass. Most importantly, Kim Hye Soo is showcasing her golden collarbone line that can "fill water." Netizens who have seen the photos commented, "Your smile is very pretty," " Very sexy," "I'm jealous of your everlasting beauty", and "Your neck and collarbone catch my eyes." Source: Newsen
Kim Hye Soo reveals her "collarbone line" while on vacation
Posted by 3 pts Saturday, February 19, 2011
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