INFINITE recently revealed their topless fashion for Vogue Girl's fashion shoot. The March edition of the popular magazine shows the seven members dressed in edgy clothes with unique hairstyles while portraying a retro feel. All of the members gave different poses for every cut and worked their charismatic stares so that they could transform into the perfect 'old-school' idols. L showed off his muscular core body, while Woohyun revealed his upper body in a natural style, showing his previously hidden abs. Netizens commented, "This is such a beautiful photoshoot", "Rebel INFINITE!", "Woohyun and L's sexiness is fantastic", and "L and Woohyun light up even in photoshoots". Did they manage to light up your computer screen? Source: Newsen via Nate
INFINITE turns into 'edgy-dols' for 'Vogue Girl'
Posted by 2 pts Friday, February 18, 2011
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