ZE:A's Kwanghee and Jewelry joined forces to parody KBS's popular show, "Qualification of Men".
On January 23rd, Jewelry's Kim Eunjung tweeted,
"Hwang Kwanghee kekekekekekeke Kwanghee's possesed by Hwang Kolleen! He stated, 'I raised Jewelry!' Burned to the ground after perfectly doing Jewelry's choreography!!!"This tweet included a picture of Kwanghee holding a baton as he stands next to the Jewelry members, who are acting like choir members. Those who saw this picture quickly caught on that they were parodying "Qualification of Men", and that Kwanghee had taken on the role of Kolleen Park. While the joke may be lost on some of us, what translates well is that Kwanghee is showing his support for his labelmates' impending comeback. From following their choreography to holding up a sign that says, "Jewelry totally daebak," Kwanghee might as well be the fifth member of Jewelry! [gallery columns=4] Source: Newsen via Nate
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