Actor Kim Sung Min, who was charged with habitual methamphetamine use, revealed his wish for forgiveness through a handwritten letter. On December 23rd, 'One Night of TV Entertainment' revealed the contents of a letter Kim Sung Min had sent from jail to an acquaintance. The letter was written on December 14th. Kim began, "Many have loved our program and supported me. I apologize with my head bowed." He then elaborated on his situation: "Truthfully, there is no big difference whether I get out of here or not. Whether you get a drop of ink on your white clothes or if you spill the whole cup, it's the same result." However, he added, "For the people who are giving me encouragement and strength, I will make sure there is no repeat." Kim reflected, "I want to be a good example for those who want to give up because of a bitter experience. Because of this, I have largely abandoned my impatience and desire to get out fast." At the end, Kim mentioned the 'roller-coaster of life' that fellow 'Qualifications of Men' member Kim Gook Jin spoke of. He said that he was currently in the downhill stage, but he will rise up soon enough. Kim Sung Min was arrested on charges of methamphetamine use on December 4th, and marijuana charges were added 3 days later. Source: Money Today Star News Photo: SBS
Kim Sung Min apologizes for his drug scandal with a letter
Posted by 0 pt Friday, December 24, 2010
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