Sexy, vivacious and bold, miss A's Min is the best candidate to shake up the more conservative attitudes with her 'Devil May Care' outlook on life. And that's precisely what she did on the latest episode of "100 Points of out 100".
This week's episode required Min to act out a dancing scene from the musical, 'Fame'. Since she was unable to carry out the performance in her short mini skirt, the staff gave her a pair of gray sweatpants to wear. Now normally, you'd expect the girl to walk off the set for a few minutes to don them in privacy, but Min? Min chose to step into the sweatpants right then and there, causing the rest of her castmates to shout with embarrassment and immediately shield their eyes. Park Kyung Lim even cried out in shock, "Excuse me Min-ssi, but what are you doing?!"
Hilariously, it seemed to be the men who were more flustered about the situation, as they asked, "Are we meant to close our eyes for this?", to which Min innocently responded, "Can't I wear this here?"
Although the cast was able to either close their eyes or look away, the cameramen still had to film her getting dressed - the knowledge of which made the cast turn bright red with embarrassment.
Considering how Min was trained for eight years in the States, it's no surprise that she's got more of a liberal and spunky attitude than her peers... and we love it!
Source: TV Report
miss A's Min embarrasses '100 Points Out of 100' cast with her boldness

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