On November 21st, Wonder Girls' Sunye has revealed her boyfriend on Twitter. Sunye recently posted a photo of herself with a 'boyfriend doll' that a fan had given to her. In the picture, Sunye has a bright smile and is tightly holding the doll that has a navy blue bow-tie. This doll has brought about laughter simply because written on the doll is the word '?? (AeIn)', which means lover or boyfriend/girlfriend in Korean. Fellow Wonder Girl Yeeun also tweeted a picture with a doll, saying, "With AeIn ke ke ke". This doll has a different colored bow-tie than that of Sunye's doll, which makes us assume that each of the members received their very own boyfriend doll.
Source: TV Daily & Twitter
Wonder Girls' Sunye and Yeeun reveal boyfriends on Twitter?
Posted by 6 pts Sunday, November 21, 2010
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