Actor So Ji Sub recently signed a contract with Japanese entertainment agency, Sony's So-net Entertainment, and reportedly, he's to be given a substantial salary - in fact, the numbers are so high that he's said to be the highest-paid Hallyu star in Japan. So-net Entertainment revealed, "So Ji Sub is an actor who has broadened his scope not only across Korea, but to Japan and China as well, making him one of Asia's representative actors. Considering So Ji Sub's domestic status and acting influence, we offered a contract and salary that is much greater than what other agencies would offer." They continued, "Since So Ji Sub has a very strong commitment to acting, we believe that we can broaden his status in Japan with the experience gained from filming Japanese movies and dramas." So Ji Sub earned his 'Hallyu star' status through the successful broadcasts of Korean dramas 'Something Happened in Bali' and 'I'm Sorry I Love You' back in 2004 and 2006 respectively. He later starred in various Japanese projects, including the fantasy movie, 'GeGeGe No Kitaro', and the drama 'I Am Ghost'. The actor also released a digital album under the name 'Rapper G', which received a hot response from his fans in Japan. Source: Seoul Newspaper NTN
So Ji Sub signs new Japanese contract, becomes highest paid Hallyu Star in Japan
Posted by 8 pts Wednesday, November 10, 2010
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