Actress Shin Se Kyung's radical new hairstyle has got netizens buzzing. Under the title, 'Shin Se Kyung's completely changed hairstyle', a netizen posted pphotos of the actress on the set of her new movie, 'Blue Salt'. In contrast to her trademark long, straight black hair, Shin Se Kyung went for a short, shaggy look with multiple layers, even dying her hair to a lighter brown color. Her look was accessorized with a vintage leather jacket and a chunky silver bracelet, completing the 'killer' look for her upcoming movie. Netizens expressed a hot interest in her new look - "Where did her innocent image go?", "She looks so different, it's hard to tell its her", "She suits the dark and ominous atmosphere." [caption id="attachment_158739" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Standing alongside veteran actor, Song Kang Ho "][/caption] Source: Daily Sports
Shin Se Kyung undergoes a "Killer" makeover
Posted by 8 pts Tuesday, November 9, 2010
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