Idol group Super Junior recently released a new track for the 'Haru' OST, called 'Angel'. 'Haru' is an omnibus-style mini-web drama series created to promote the Hallyu Wave. Eunhyuk jokingly said, "When Shindong-hyung revealed the picture of his girlfriend on his Twitter, he received many congratulatory messages. Since we're revealing 'Angel', we want you to congratulate and give us love too." Sung by Sungmin, Donghae, Eunhyuk, Ryeowook, and Kyuhyun, the song has a fresh, inspiring melody with an addictive tune that makes you want to put it on repeat. Check out Angel's MV down below! Source: TV Daily Photo: BTN News
Super Junior releases new track for 'Haru' OST
Posted by 8 pts Friday, October 8, 2010
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