Recently, a Twitter was created under 'smtownent', claiming to be the official Twitter of SM Entertainment. However, it has been confirmed that the account is a fake. SM Entertainment's supposedly official Twitter (http://twitter.com/smtownent) was created just recently on October 17th. The account linked to their official website, and even wrote very believable 'official' tweets regarding SM's artists, successfully deceiving a great portion of netizens. The first tweet read, "[Official] Hello. This is S.M. Entertainment. This is information in regards to the micro-blog service, Twitter." They followed by listing the allegedly official Twitter accounts related to SM Entertainment and their artists. In particular, they wrote in English that SNSD Jessica's new Twitter (http://twitter.com/jessica_syj) was fake, and that they were notified that her original account was suspended. They also wrote about the reason for f(x)'s Amber's absence. The account tweeted that she was still currently in America, resting due to her naturally weak ankle. Despite the great lengths the individual behind this went to deceive netizens, it has been confirmed by SM Entertainment themselves that the Twitter is indeed fake. During a phone interview between SM and Star News, SM stated, "The Twitter is not SM's official Twitter. SM has not yet created an official Twitter. We also heard about this news recently, and measures have been taken for this matter." Source + Photo : Star News
SM Entertainment does not have an official Twitter account
Posted by 8 pts Sunday, October 17, 2010
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