Actor So Ji Sub's photo shoot for High Cut magazine was recently revealed. In September's edition for High Cut, So Ji Sub's black and white photo shoot spread was released, which conveyed both his masculinity of his body as well as the earnest sadness through his eyes. This photo shoot was taken place only a few days after the passing of his best friend, actor Park Yong Ha. He had cancelled all schedules immediately after the news of his friend's death, but decided to continue with this photo shoot with his belief that "promises must be kept". The two hour long photo shoot was carried out in a solemn atmosphere, with So Ji Sub saying only one sentence throughout the whole day without even a smile. Despite the somber mood, So Ji Sub still did not fail to show his overflowing charisma and charm and the photo shoot was wrapped up successfully.
So Ji Sub for High Cut
Posted by 8 pts Thursday, September 2, 2010
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