Comedian and host Shin Jung Hwan, who is currently under controversy for raking up gambling debt, is being criticized again as there are rumors his family had to lease their home because of his urgent need for money. It was reported that his family did indeed move though it's not been confirmed whether they did it to pay his debt. The condo management stated, "I think it was his manager that came and took care of all the fees and dues. On the day of the move, his parents and older sister weren't even there as only hired movers were present to take care of everything." After an investigation of nearby realty agencies, it was revealed that the condo was currently considered collateral security as it was under a flexible mortgage, and that the ownership was currently under Shin Jung Hwan's mother's name. The reality agency stated, "The condo was not sold, but leased on a deposit basis. It seems they needed money urgently as they didn't bother with any deal, but went straight into a lease. It's also possible that they moved because they were uncomfortable with their neighbors' judgments." It was also reported that Shin Jung Hwan grew up as the youngest of three children with two older sisters, and that during his Roora (old school group) days, one of his sisters volunteered for the female military in the midst of issues concerning his draft. In further news, Shin Jung Hwan's avoidance of current investigations could cause his status out of Korea to be marked as an illegal stay. Source: Yahoo! Korea
Shin Jung Hwan's family leased home because of money issues?
Monday, September 27, 2010
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