The main cast from the upcoming KBS 2TV drama, "Fugitive", has been drawing interest from netizens due to its small faced female lead, Lee Na Young. As seen in the photo above (from left to right), the main characters of "Fugitive", Lee Jung Jin, Yoon Jin Seo, Rain, Lee Na Young, and Daniel Henney, can be seen sitting down in the front row. What's catching the netizens' eyes is the size of Lee Na Young's head and face. Compared to those beside her, Rain and Daniel Henney, Lee Na Young's face is noticeably smaller. Netizens who have seen the photo commented things such as, "Lee Na Young has already did an all-kill against all the celebrities with the size of her face," "It's so small," and "How can it be that small?" "Fugitive" will premiere next month, so stay tuned.
Nobody can beat Lee Na Young's small face
Posted by 3 pts Tuesday, September 21, 2010
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