Actress Kang Eunbi has revealed a time when she had been hit in the head with a script by the leading actor. Through KBS' Star Golden Bell, she had revealed, "At that time, I really couldn't act and as soon as I made an NG, the person hit me on the head with the script they had and said, 'I debuted later than you, but why can't you act?'" She shared that she had felt relatively insulted by that person's arrogant attitude. When asked about that person's identy, she held her tongue at first, but then stated, "That person has become a top star now." Her confession has sparked the interests of many netizens, and have got the netizens displaying their hunting skills once again. These curious netizens have undergone the process of finding all the actors who have worked with Kang Eunbi. On this episode, Kang Eunbi had also revealed, "As a replacement for Lee Soo Kyung, I had been put in SBS' Dear Heaven and had even gone through the script readings, but I got cut when Lee Soo Kyung said she'd do it again." No wonder Kang Eunbi had once attempted suicide. Receiving hate from anti-fans, on top of all the obstacles she had to face at work seems all too overwhelming. Kang Eunbi has definetely had a tough time getting to where she is now! Good luck to her and her future as an an actress and singer.
Kang Eunbi has been hit in the head by a fellow actor before
Posted by 3 pts Sunday, April 25, 2010
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