Super Junior's Choi Siwon, who is currently starring in Oh! My Lady, was featured late last month in Elle Magazine. In the photos, Siwon showcased his charismatic and playful image. He wore different suits which expressed different concepts, and he acted like a professional throughout the photo shoot. Siwon asked the staff about the concept he had to express, and he also answered each questions thoroughly in the interview. Thus, the staff gave him the nickname, "manner guy." Through the interview, Siwon stated, "Because there is a Super Junior, there is also an actor Choi Siwon. [...] I can't let go of both Super Junior and being an actor. [...] When the drama [Oh! My Lady] ends, I want to go on a vacation with my families. As I grow older, the importance of making your parents happy grows as well." Well unfortunately, it looks like Siwon might not have time for a vacation after his drama ends due to Super Junior's preparation for their comeback. You can check out the photos from this shoot here.
Choi Siwon's interview with Elle
Posted by 3 pts Tuesday, April 27, 2010
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