It looks like we have two more celebrities to add to our growing list of legitimate celebrity Twitter list! Earlier today, After School's Kahi and Rainbow's Jaekyung both created their very own Twitter accounts to keep her fans updated. And coincidentally, both are group leaders! Jaekyung's first tweet read, "I'm at a boyz2men & 4men concert right now!^^ It's intermission now but my heart is still pumping!!!!" Not convinced that this is her real twitter? I can understand why, what with all these fake twitter accounts floating around. However, Jae Kyung has also confirmed her twitter account on her Cyworld so we can safely assume that it is her. In addition, Shindong of Super Junior and SohnPD, MBC's radio producer, has also welcomed her into the Twitterverse. Shindong wrote, "Jae Kyung!! It's Shindong oppa~~ Welcome to the Twitter world!! Work hard on your activities and fighting!!" while SohnPD said, "If you need anything at anytime, just ask me. It's going to be fun. Aja!!^^" And in her latest tweet where she promises to study hard for English. As for Kahi, there's no better way to verify its legitimacy by uploading a never-before-seen picture. In one of her many tweets since creating the account, "I'm here to do Music Core~Today is not the live broadcasting, but the recording .. I hope the world will find peace and music will overflow...!! peace!!! ?" So start adding Kahi and Jaekyung to your follow list now! Many thanks to Tommy and LetterJ for the tips!
After School's Kahi and Rainbow's Jaekyung get Twitter accounts!
Posted by 0 pt Sunday, April 18, 2010
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