After releasing a music video teaser a few days ago, it's been revealed that model-turned-singer JJ will be making her live comeback debut on the upcoming episode of KBS Music Bank. JJ stands at 170cm and has been doing constant model work while receiving musical training behind the scenes since her 3rd year in middle school. Nyam Nyam Entertainment commented on their latest idol saying, "JJ is not your average girl. She radiates a lovely charisma that is like a mixture of world famous pop stars Britney Spears and Beyonce." Looks like JJ's entertainment label is setting the bar high for her, but will she be able to deliver? She once tried breaking out in 2007 but her debut was not as strong then so she quietly slipped back into training. Her title track More and More is a trendy dance track that's sweet but fast. Netizens are even-steven about the teaser, saying that the track sounds like the 90's techno craze or like j-pop. Perhaps the release of the full track will finalize their decisions, but the teaser so far shows that JJ will be quiet the stunning beauty. JJ will release her first album, Special One, later today and make her live comeback debut on the March 19th episode of Music Bank!
JJ to make live comeback on Music Bank
Posted by 2 pts Thursday, March 18, 2010
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