Originally known to be the goofiest of all, Kim Jong Min has finally proven that he is no longer an empty-headed dork on an episode of SBS Star King. He challenged himself in a battle of multiplication tables with a... three year old toddler! (Come on, it's Star King. Anything can happen.)
This little prodigy previously made an appearance on Star King when he was merely 20 months old, and successfully recited his times table better than all the adult stars present on the set. In the past 21 months, this little guy has undergone more "intense training" and participated Star King once again with all of his multiplication tables up to 19 fully memorized! Typical students would only study up to around nine.
After braving the hardcore training that he had received during military service, Kim Jong Min volunteered to represent the celebrities on the set and challenge the prodigy in a multiplication battle. People around fully expected Kim Jong Min to fail after only a couple of rounds, but amazingly, he smoothly passed all the rounds, including the 19 table!
So who ended up being the winner? Make sure to check out the broadcast on 20th to find out!
Kim Jong Min has a multiplication battle with a baby

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