"Adult Idol" Brown Eyed Girls' Narsha revealed her feelings about Hyomin of T-ara's farting incident on Invincible Youth. Narsha said on Star Golden Bell, "You can't stop a fart when you're sleeping. I think she didn't realize what she was doing. But because she's a female idol, the staff of the show didn't add the sound. They added a countdown and a cute noise." She continued, "After that, she's known as Fart Hyomin. I feel bad." Poor Hyomin! She's moved on from being identified as the girl that was always edited out of the whole show, but now she's known for something worse. Well, all press is good press. MBLAQ's G.O went on to reveal a secret about one of his members, Mir. He said, "Mir farts a lot too. His real name is Bang Chul Yong but since he farts so much we call him Bang Gui (bangui means fart) Yong. He farts in the middle of Music Bank as well." I don't mean to make Hyomin feel worse but I'd be quite embarrassed about all of this.
Brown Eyed Girls' Narsha talks about T-ara Hyomin's farts
Posted by 5 pts Sunday, February 28, 2010
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