Well, that's what Bingo Hideout predicts! After revolutionizing kpop with Tell Me then dominating the hearts of many with So Hot and Nobody, the Wonder Girls have become iconic figures in not only Korea but across Asia , even holding concerts in Thailand and China in front of huge crowds of international fans. With their breakthrough and escalating popularity in the States, you can't help but wonder what's next. Bingo Hideout, a European bingo site (bingo on allkpop? what?), recently shed the spotlight on the Wonder Girls, speculating that the girls could very well be the next stars to sweep the United Kingdom by storm. People all over the world have begun to catch on to Wonder Girls' milestone achievements, which include performing on So You Think You Can Dance, hitting #1 on Google's trending topics, collaborating with the widely-acclaimed Dave Stewart of Eurythmics, conceptualizing a solo American tour, leaving a mark on Billboard.Com's Hot 100, being featured in People Magazine, and of course, touring with the Jonas Brothers nationally... and even they've predicted that the girls are going to take over the world. Here's an excerpt from the article:
The five members in the Wonder Girls are cute and bubbly and provide an instant attraction to the viewer and listener reminiscent of the Spice Girls when they first bounced onto the pop scene. The main difference is that the Wonder Girls appear charming and sweet and probably a lot less 'street' than the Spice Girls, this gives them an endearing quality that is bound to go down well with young girls and boys no matter where they live. The Wonder Girls' new video for their U.S debut single 'Nobody' is a slick and polished product and clearly aimed squarely at the bubblegum market. This is currently a market that is being seriously overlooked in the UK with five to 15's being subjected to knicker wearing pole dancing singers as role models. The likes of the Wonder Girls will be a great relief to mothers concerned abut their little angels cavorting about trying to copy a 'booty' dance in front of the TV.And I know many of us are getting tired of Nobody, but it's been promoted for so long and so successfully for a good reason. "The video for the single 'Nobody' is quite amusing ... [and] is likely to have younger children giggling uncontrollably when they watch the 'toilet humour' that develops," the article read. Hmm, I know we have a number of UK Wonderfuls on allkpop and the WG Spectacle Forums, and I'm sure y'all would love to see this happen. As long as the girls don't come out with some UK version of Nobody (how would that even work? Nobody with a British accent?) and promote it into 2012 or something, I'm definitely up for it as well! Bonus from last year's SBS Gayo Daejun show... brownie points for those that remember this performance!

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