The last installment of the 'The Wonder Girls' Favorite Things' has come out with who other than Sohee as the star! Previously in this series, we watched Mimi fan girl over American Idol, Yenny's mouth water over a steaming pot of Soon Tofu Stew, leader Sun rave about Broadway shows, and Yubin turn total book-fanatic on us. Now it's maknae Sohee's turn to share some of her favorite things with us—movies! Is it just me or does Sohee seem unusually bright?! But maybe it's because she's doing her favorite thing. And now that it seems like 'The Wonder Girls' Favorite Things' are over, what do you think the next Wonder Girls' Youtube video will be? Remember to visit the WG Spectacle Forum.
A Few of Sohee's Favorite Things
Posted by 0 pt Friday, December 4, 2009
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