It has been revealed that Bada's offical homepage "Hello Bada," has had temporarily shutdowns recently due to numerous complaints from fans about her performance on KBS 2TV's Music Bank on the 9th. The fans complained that, "Her performance of 'Yes I'm in Love' was much too short compared to the original." A related source from Bada's agency stated on the 10th, "It was not shortened because of the amount of time that the show had left. ... The original recording had 2PM member, Taecyeon featured in it, so in order for the original full song to be performed, they needed to perform together. But because 2PM's activities are currently being restrained, Taecyeon's rapping part had to be deleted therefore Bada's solo parts were rearranged, which caused the song to be shortened." Well, you can't blame Bada, as most of the 2PM members are currently inactive. Let's hope that Taecyeon does come back to perform the original. Bada's performance of "Yes I'm in Love" in Music Bank. VC: urasiansourceKpop Original Song with Taecyeon featured. video credits: MrJenpoo
Bada's Website Shut Down Because of Taecyeon?
Posted by 3 pts Saturday, October 10, 2009
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