Not long ago the cast members of SBS' fashion drama, 'Style' headed to Jeju Islands to kick off the beginning of production and film. Catching up on the promotionals, their recent promo shoot photos have been released. Dubbed as the Korean version of Devil Wears Prada, I don't see any links to tie the two together besides the word 'style.' But either way, it ties the two together in separate directions. I say, in style and bad style. What exactly were they thinking when they had Ryu Siwon wear that all green outfit? And what's with that cut-up shirt that Lee Yong Woo is wearing? It looks like those wrappers that holds/protects an apple. Just the poster of Devil Wears Prada gives off a more tense mood - colors do not exist in that world, let alone a blue background. I was anticipating the drama up until I saw these pictures. I guess we shall see...
SBS 'Style' Promo Shoot
Posted by 0 pt Thursday, July 9, 2009
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