Former SeeYa member, Nam Gyuri has finally updated her Cyworld with a series of new photos after a long absence. Nam Gyuri has sought to use her Cyworld to help alleviate the pain in her heart by posting photos of her walking on the streets and smiling, the title of her Cyworld also wrote, "I Ain't Moving". In addition, she also thanked her friends for supporting her through this difficult time, "I am so lucky to have you (all), I don't know what I will do without you (all)." Most fans expressed that they were happy to see a smile on Nam Gyuri's face and cheered her on. Nam Gyuri had recently gotten back into the public eye after her contract dispute, with a fan meeting on 5th June for VOV cosmetics. She was also in Taiwan for the first time on 10th June, as the model for VOV cosmetics to launch a new product.
Most netizens felt that her statement indicated that she has recovered from her setback and is getting her solo career back on track with these recent events.
Nam Gyuri ain't Moving
Posted by 0 pt Tuesday, June 16, 2009
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