The on-going romance saga between Goo Joon Pyo (Lee Min Ho) and Geum Jandi (Goo Hye Sun) in KBS Boys Before Flowers continues to captivate viewers. This was especially after Joon Pyo whipped out a necklace which he claimed was the only one (replicas don't count) in the world for Jandi as a symbol of their love in Episode 12 yesterday.
After the rather forgettable kidnapping scene on Monday night, Jandi, Gal Eul and F4 goes skiing for some fun to take away the gloom. As night-time falls, the resident cupid Ji Ho (Kim Hyun Joong) arranges for Jandi and Joon Pyo to meet for a little quality time together. As a gift for Jandi and to keep her by his side literally, Joon Pyo whips out a necklace which was full of symbolism of their love, the stars represent Joon Pyo while Jandi is the moon. In other words, the stars (Jandi) will never be able to escape the moon (Joon Pyo).
But thanks to some pesky interference from the evil Jin-Sun-Mi trio who sneakingly takes it from her, Jandi loses the necklace with Joon Pyo feeling outright disappointed. An anxious Jandi ventures to the skiing area to search for the missing necklace but is caught in a sudden snow storm and falls prey to fatique. But Joon Pyo comes to the rescue as their love grows even stronger after this as they share another kiss by the fireplace. The necklace was later reclaimed back by the resident cupid and given back to Jandi.
The necklace that is used to symbolise Joon Pyo and Jandi's relationship is actually the Kissing Star necklace by Stonehenge (google it). It symbolizes that the stars and moon are always together and cannot be separated, just like Joon Pyo and Jandi. It is likely to become a best-seller among fans and couples after this episode broadcast.
The episode ended with a cliffhanger as Joon Pyo heads overseas with his mum to see his ailing father, without even saying goodbye to Jandi. Next week is likely to see a new shift to the future as they move towards university while Lee Min Jung will make her entry as Goo Joon Pyo's fiance. At this rate, the story progression is going faster than the Taiwanese and Japanese drama adapations. You can probably look at it like its season 2 next week.
Just to be fair, the following are pictures of the necklaces from all 3 drama adapations.
Which is the better-looking necklace?
Japan (thanks to nana for correction)
Joon Pyo Gives Jandi A Kissing Star Necklace

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