Heechul revealed why he deleted a Super Junior member's phone number.
On the October 12th episode of the YouTube series 'Cho Hyun Ah's Thursday Night', Heechul and Yesung featured as guests, and Heechul described his fellow Super Junior member as his complete opposite. He expressed, "Yesung is introverted. Our blood type is the same. AB, but our personality is completely opposite. Yesung only comes out if I call him. If I don't, he would never get out of the house."
When asked what he would do if someone didn't want to leave the house despite his call, Heechul said, "I'll delete their number." Yesung then said, "Didn't you delete one of our member's numbers because of that?" Heechul responded, "In the past, I didn't even have 20 phone numbers because I kept deleting them."
Watch Heechul and Yesung's above, and make sure to turn on the English captions!
Heechul reveals why he deleted Super Junior member's phone number
Thursday, October 12, 2023
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74% Upvoted
What does one's blood type have to do with their personality? That's nothing but a superstition