CLASS:y have dropped their music videos for "Tick Tick Boom" and "Zealous".
The MV for "Tick Tick Boom" tells the story of CLASS:y's music journey, while the "Zealous" MV follows the members on a wild shopping spree. Both tracks are from the girl group's 2nd mini album 'Day&Night'.
Watch CLASS:y's MVs above and below, and let us know what you think in the comments below.
CLASS:y drop 'Tick Tick Boom' & 'Zealous' MVs
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
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92% Upvoted
Nice! Thought Tick Tick Boom would be the standout piece based on the previews but Zealous is what blew me away. Really fitting tracks for the girls! Here’s to hoping this release will do well!