Lucy have revealed the highlight medley for their first full album 'Childhood'.
The above teaser video gives a preview of their track "Knowhow", "MP3", "Play", "10sec", "You're Maybe. I'm For No Reason", "Domino", "Paul", "Though I Already Knew", "Don't Forget this Night"," "My Loneliness Isn't Cold", "No Color", "Opening", "Ending", "We Will Fly Away", and "You're Me". As the title suggests, 'Childhood' centers around themes of the band's childhood, and it's set to drop on August 17 KST.
Check out Lucy's 'Childhood' highlight medley above, their teaser images if you missed it, and stay tuned for updates on their comeback.
Lucy reveal highlight medley for 1st full album 'Childhood'
Saturday, August 13, 2022
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92% Upvoted
Saw an album medley for this group..andIclickedsofast!!
The songs that piqued my curiousity are track # 1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 12, and 15. Glad to have a good amount of new replayable songs to add to my Lucy catalog!
Saw "George Washington Bridge" at 2:04 in the vid and thought, "Fam, but what do you know about G.W. ParkwAAAAAy?!!"