A Pink have dropped their music video for "I Want to Be Happy"!
In the MV, A Pink write letters to their fans Panda, record in the studio, and more. "I Want to Be Happy" is the girl group's special digital single for their 11th anniversary, and it's meant as a thank you message to their fans.
Watch A Pink's "I Want to Be Happy" MV above, and let us know what you think in the comments below.
A Pink write letters to fans in 'I Want You to Be Happy' MV for 11th anniversary
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
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This is a hard & sad time for us pandas but imagine it must be 1000 times harder for Chorong, Bomi, Eunji, Namjoo, Hayoung because they lost a family member. Naeun surely feel the same too..
Despite that, they still trying to cheer us & make us Pandas happy.
This fan song, its also feel like a blessing sending Naeun away with a smile from the members with a message "I WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY" & will keep cheering for you..
OT7, OT6, OT5.. it doesnt matter. Lets be together till the end.
Chorong, Bomi, Eunji, Namjoo, Hayoung & Naeun too remember Pandas are always behind you!
Apink+Panda are ONE!