SHINee's Taemin has dropped his music video for "Think of You".
In the MV, Taemin has a joyful journey abroad as he faces the camera with a smile. "Think of You" is a track from his latest album 'IDEA (理想)', which featured the title track of the same name.
Watch Taemin's "Think of You" MV above, and let us know what you think in the comments below.
SHINee's Taemin has a joyful journey in 'Think of You' MV
Friday, November 20, 2020
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94% Upvoted
Sweet Taemin! What a huge talent. If I had to pick an artist in 2020 that really went above and beyond for their solo work, I’d vote Taemin all day. He had several top notch songs that he put out this year. When there were others who had maybe 1 ok/good song, he had like 3 or 4 that could be number 1’s! Idea, Black Rose, Heaven, and this one now too are my favorites. All of his songs are hits! He really outdid himself this year. Congrats Taemin, you worked hard. And, the results of your hard work will stand the test of time. You’ve grown so much as an artist even since your last cd. Thank you for giving us amazing music and outstanding videos too! Hope he wins an award or two for this cd🙏🏻🏆!