I think EXO's logo, cause it complemented and fit into every comeback idea, for different designs.
Do you always need premission or just when it's contains things of peoples religion?
I don't believe in double standards. Eigther always need permission or never. I think asking permission out of respect is the nice thing to do. But I don't it should be a law as the law should not disciminate against people.
You always have the right to be offended. You also have the right to offend someone else.
Why is it always non-muslims thinking they have the "right" to offend muslims?
Like seriously are you out of you're mind? Why is it suddenly ok to offend people of a religion? From the moment we are born to the day we die, every moment of our life is spent as a believer. You cannot comprehend how much faith means to a person, its their identity, their reason to life. And then arrogant non-believers come up and make a mockery of it. If I made a mockery of Korean culture, they'd be spitting flames. It goes the same for anyone who has a connection to their heritage, whether thats religion, culture, language. If you dont even have the dignity to even respect that, then you're the most intolerant, lowest lowlife on the planet. You think the world starts and ends with you. Newsflash: you're nothing. You're just 1 out of billions of people on this earth, who's existence is a mere speck in space and time.
Relax, there is no god, its all man made anyway.
Alright sadboy, just continue being sad.
😘 Apparently you think so since you chase all my comments.
since you're literally everywhere. Aren't you obsessed for something that doesn't concern you or involve you in any way?
Don’t bother bitching to me people, this is my opinion! He is not of the Islamic faith, therefore he isn’t breaking any religious rule, he isn’t badmouthing the religion either.
He's using sacred words in our religion to fill up some vulgar lyrics to sing at a club, and make a living out of it?
If he's gong to use our religion, then ask for permission cause we won't let people walk all over our faith.
Are you sick in the head
i hope his career flop
if hes going to continue being this disgusting, especially just after those horrific pictures in his studio, I hope it tanks really hard. This man is vile
why are people upset about the allah comment? he's not a muslim so he doesn't have to follow any muslim rules. simple.
Its our religion, if you're going to use anything from it, you ask for permission?
Its that simple.
People cant wear a piece of clothing without being called out for culture appropriation. And here we have something sacred being used with vulgar words, why would a non-muslim tell muslims to not be offended? The fuck is wrong with your logic
I literally said you have a right to be offended, just don't expect your feelings to come before freedom of speech. And by your own crappy logic, stop talking about jews and judaism then.
Freedom to devalue a persons religion you mean. If everyone was to voice their thoughts, our world would be in even greater chaos. Keep your unwanted, hate-mongering opinions to yourself.
Attacking one faith is like attacking all faiths. I can protect our jewish brothers and sisters as we are from the same abrahamic faith. You who has no faith can keep out of our business.
Imagine the rest of the world getting upset every time someone used “God” in a rap or song 🤡
imagine people who aren't muslim telling muslims to stop defending their faith?
Like white people trying to tell black people they're overreacting about racism and stop overreacting?
Yeah no ones listening to your trashy opinion
I'm not offended in the slightest. I just informed you that retard is considered a slur and I find it hypocritical of you to call out an artist for lyrics that said nothing bad about muslims while using a word like retard as a way to insult people.
Can you get your hypocritical ass out of here? You're boot-licking attitude to people that degrade a faith is the serious issue here. No need to deflect
What I think art is, does not matter. My opinion is that if the creater made it with art as the intention, it is art. You are totally free to decide something is not art for yourself. Nobody can tell you what you should concider art.
As for the respecting religion. As a Christian I believe in equallity. I can't place my own faith before the right of someone elses self expression in art.
No. You cannot just take what you want, by your own forceful Will, that doesn't belong to you and do with it as you please.
You have the mindset of a coloniser that goes and does what they please with other people's land, culture, heritage and history. Why? Because they can. And it doesn't look wrong to them. Stay out of this if you're not muslim. If it was your religion then you can, but if the religion is not even yours, then for all thats good, stop silencing us and telling us we shouldn't be offended you freak
You sit this one out. If you're not a Muslim, then you cant speak on it like you know a damn thing. How dare you try to make this seem like nothing. you dont get to decide how important religion is for people and what we can and cant get offended by. These things mean a lot to us and if you cant get that inside your mind, then stay quiet and stop silencing us
Yet you all call pop singers "idols" -- who represent God and are worthy of worship. He was once considered one as well. What a joke you all are.
You're the biggest joke on here. We're offended and you're here trying to explain away and then shift the blame onto muslims? Excuse me, don't think so highly of yourself cause you're not all that
There is where he grew up then there's where he's been and who he's been around. He didn't stay in an insular environment.
Why are you defending him so desperately? If someone says the N word, does black face, everyones up in arms? When they degrade our religion in that way, we dont have the right to get offended?
Excuse me but you need to sit out of this, you cant tell us whether or not to be offended by him. We can decide that for ourselves.
Why dont you try to form a cohesive argument without insulting people? It's kind of hypocritical of you to be mad about an artist using the word Allah in his lyrics when you are prepared to call people retards. You realise it's extremely offensive to people with learning disabilities. Or is it only offensive if it affects your religion?
WTF I call you a retard and you get offended and they use something sacred to 1.6 billion people in the world and you ask why im angry? get a brain
Again, religion is not a race. Mocking a religion is not racism.
what planet are you from??? How is mocking religion not a discrimination? Check history and see how people are targeted based on religion, the Holocaust for the Jews to this day remains a lesson for the world. Stay out of it if tis not your religion. Race, Religion, Gender all need to be respected.
It's coming from the Muslim community, some might be taking this opportunity to hate on him, but a lot of Muslims including me are offended by this and by his apology.
What apology? Thats what he calls an apology? Fuck him
I'm not religious in the slightest but these two lines made me raise an eyebrow:
"Synagogues of wolves"
"I pray this XXXX album burn their kingdom to the ground."
Sounds to me like he's an equal opportunity offender [of both sides]. Don't know why one side would hate him when he's having a crack at the other too.
In conclusion: Hes shitting on religions and some dumbasss people thinks its a "trend" or "hip". Id like to see how hip it is to say the N* word
He's NOT a KPop idol, dear. He's an AMERICAN rapper and doesn't give any fucks. His lyrics are not problematic at all comparatively speaking.
"Ohh hes so edgy and cool" fuck you
That's not at all what he said, however. That's warping the message completely, which could be from a cultural stigma or bias against hip-hop/urban culture.
He is attacking the criticism that is labeling him a racist, or that he is intentionally defaming a religion; which he is not.
The problem is that people are so quick to jump the gun on crucifying someone without opening dialogue about the issue, especially when the issue is something as small as cultural difference and ignorance, or naivety.
These are teachable moments, but instead everyone wants to take radical actions.
Next time Chinese people should rap about Kimchi and Hanbok, lets see how people react then?
It is difficult to judge right or wrong. You would see Billie eilish win Grammy while her songs are full of swearing and telling negative life issues...I am so scared listening to her music but I have to acknowledge she is succesful telling the negative apects of life...I don't listen to her anymore but never blame that she did something wrong! Everyone has their own belief and opinion about life and in real, there are more people who actually discriminate Muslim rather than just talk or say...Music and arts sometimes just tell you the truth and it's people who make their own decision how to respect others!
Koreans were angry about some fermented cabbage when the Chinese called it theirs. Then you have something sacred, and the person who doesn't respect it or research about it, takes things from that religion and uses it in a vulgar place, with other vulgar words, and you think Muslims are not going to be upset? \
In what universe is that ok? No religion should be used for derogatory purposes (that others like to call "Art" )
I’m one of those people who thinks it’s ok to use religion for art purposes. Art used to shock and offend people so I think it’s quite brave of him to still do this in this time.
& yeah I get that some people don’t consider this art. But you know, just because you say it’s not art...
If you're going to use someones religion for "Art" then shouldn't you ask them for permission first? you're going against a religious principle that doesn't allow it to be used in that way, for the enjoyment of people, singing it in bars/clubs and money hungry crows???
Religion is man made. People worship a God they believe provided life. That God may have left "laws" for people to live by to maintain life as It intended. But did that God command people to ascribe rituals to every aspect of their lives? Idols, holidays, symbols, ornaments... I don't think so.
What should be respected are people and their rights to live whatever they manner they choose as long it does not adversely affect others.
Historically, religions have been depicted in art forms (all). And because someone uses a religion for any purpose, should that pull you away from your faith? Won't your God deal with blasphemers, so why should you?
Just don't consume his products. He's an American. He won't be canceled. The U.S. has religious freedom that includes the right to denounce.
Oh no here comes the Atheist and their "I know everything and you dont" attitude. STFU just because you dont believe in God doesn't mean others dont. "God doesn't exist" yeah as if you've checked every place in the universe and came back to report it... keep your arrogant and self-absorbed opinions to yourself
Yeah honey, your downvotes are more important in this issue. Can we stop bringing other artists into this issue they are not even related to this. If you are not Muslim stay out of it.
Exactly, this isn't about you so you won't understand on a minuscule level how offensive this is. Muslims have the right to talk about it since it involves our religion. Outsiders need to fucking stay out of this
He just used our religion in the lyrics but of course, we need to chill. We are too sensitive. You might not be religious but we are.
Exactly. These dumbasses that dont understand the situation need to STFU
no one cares ugly
I know right. I don't understand why people get offended by everything on Twitter. If you don't like him, don't listen to him. It's simple.
you're everywhere. Why dont you leave this issue to those who have the mental capacity to understand the situation. You clearly lack it retard
Comment has been deleted
Say that to Jews. Lets see how you get cancelled when you're called an anti-semite you piece of shit
True, you have the right to be offended just as he has the right to mock a religion.
Why dont you try that for Jewish religions? Anti-semitism even gets politicians running for the hills
That's why I love him
At least he's honest instead of felling apologetic when he's not
Go touch some grass, retard
To Jerk Park: Fuck off
Am I tripping, this comeback is coming and I am so not ready!!! Ahhh I need to save up
yessss, and im not sure im ready for this heart attack
Layyyy!! how are we supposed to survive through this
I mean, BlondeSica is literally a word.
oh my god blonde Jessica, she was the It Girl in 2nd gen. Jung sisters supremacy
According to the news it says he won't be going to Korea, so maybe online promotions?
No what the heck, he's been waiting to go back to be with his members and join the group again. Not on and off. LSM bring him back for good!!
LAY IS BACK!! Layyyyy
omg its been years since we've had a proper comeback with him
I feel like AKP doesn't care much about StrayKids sadly :/
Yup, think they in general don't like JYP groups. We dont get any decent articles about itzy, twice and stray kids. The admins/writers mostly post about YG artists (even SM groups we don't see as many articles). And we barely get any articles on stray kids :( performance on kingdom, like how well they did in the previous round.
Leave it to Allkpop to not mention whats actually happened this week. Everyone seems to be writing articles except yours truly. Here's a run through:
Skz did a Deadpool inspired performance of Gods Menu mash with Dududu on the recent Kingdom episode and went trending worldwide. The first mnet performance, from Queendom and Kingdom, to get 1M likes in just 3 days. It reached 16M views, as the most watched stage.
In less than a week:
- Ryan Reynolds (dead pool actor) noticed skz, calling Chan his #NewFavouriteAustralian (in reference to Hugh Jackman)
- Ryan subscribed to chan’s Bubble (yes his BUBBLE) and followed skz on twitter
- Access Hollywood did a video about the performance!! (Which was insane)
- Skz followed Ryan back, Chan replied with #SorryHughJackman (!!!!!!)
- Ryan wanted to give chan an official deadpool mask
- Hugh jackman replied to chan saying don't worry Bang Chan, you can keep Ryan. And then saying so "Hi Felix" (these 2 stars fighting over the Aussie line). Hugh jackman followed them on instagram
- Then Zedd liked skz related tweet
- Daniel Samonas (Hannah Montana actor) liked felix related tweet
- Jurassic world replied to skz related tweet
- Mt Everest replied to a skz related tweet (this one was so funny no one could handle the reply)
- Tons of articles, except for Allkpop (im looking at you admin)
*Maximum Effort= Ryans brand
*Bubble= messaging app for kpop groups interacting with fans
*Mayfly= the 3 teams collab in Kingdom: Skz, BTOB, Atz
*Miyoshi Ayaka= actor in Alice in Borderland which was a big theme of the performance
*Your name= famous 2016 Anime about a boy and girl switching bodies
Leave it to Allkpop to not mention whats actually happened this week. Everyone seems to be writing articles except yours truly. Here's a run through:
Skz did a Deadpool inspired performance of Gods Menu mash with Dududu on the recent Kingdom episode and went trending worldwide. The first mnet performance, from Queendom and Kingdom, to get 1M likes in just 3 days. It reached 16M views, as the most watched stage.
In less than a week:
- Ryan Reynolds (dead pool actor) noticed skz, calling Chan his #NewFavouriteAustralian (in reference to Hugh Jackman)
- Ryan subscribed to chan’s Bubble (yes his BUBBLE) and followed skz on twitter
- Access Hollywood did a video about the performance!! (Which was insane)
- Skz followed Ryan back, Chan replied with #SorryHughJackman (!!!!!!)
- Ryan wanted to give chan an official deadpool mask
- Hugh jackman replied to chan saying don't worry Bang Chan, you can keep Ryan. And then saying so "Hi Felix" (these 2 stars fighting over the Aussie line). Hugh jackman followed them on instagram
- Then Zedd liked skz related tweet
- Daniel Samonas (Hannah Montana actor) liked felix related tweet
- Jurassic world replied to skz related tweet
- Mt Everest replied to a skz related tweet (this one was so funny no one could handle the reply)
- Tons of articles, except for Allkpop (im looking at you admin)
*Maximum Effort= Ryans brand
*Bubble= messaging app for kpop groups interacting with fans
*Mayfly= the 3 teams collab in Kingdom: Skz, BTOB, Atz
*Miyoshi Ayaka= actor in Alice in Borderland which was a big theme of the performance
*Your name= famous 2016 Anime about a boy and girl switching bodies
I think he's better than not bad. He just need opportunities to showcase his skills and sooo beautiful voice
Exactly, Seungmin sang so beautifully, it got people on their feet.... He was incredible and brought the real feel into the song especially in his verse "Here I am". Don't mind them, they always have something to say
As a Marvel fan, seeing Deadpool Felix was the best thing to happen to me this week
OMG BREAKING NEWS: Ryan Reynolds (actor) just replied to a Felix intro saying "Oh hello." and swords emoji 😭😭
Im gonna pass out SOMEONE CATCH ME
Skz stage was good. however, Skz does not have any songs except God's menu??? sorry but i am disappointed. they've already song it at 1st round. also, using Bp dududu...it is obviously a strategy for collecting Blinks votes. what a pity. do they trust on their own other songs??
I don't know what to say if you're going to hate on a group that did nothing but SERVE.
They've done this all on their own as was shown on the kingdom clips. Please stop setting ppl up, if you don't like a performance, just go and watch one that you do like. Its thats simple
Du 4x Gods Menu performance!! 😭 I thought I was actually watching a movie! That performance was jawdropping. And the Love Poem, pls im literally crying from Eunkwang, Seungmin and Jonho's harmonisation they literally sounded like angels 😇
As a Marvel fan, seeing Deadpool Felix was the best thing to happen to me this week
Stray Kids everywhere all around the world!
You make Stray Kids Stay!!!
Du 4x Gods Menu performance!! 😭 I thought I was actually watching a movie! That performance was jawdropping. And the Love Poem, pls im literally crying from Eunkwang, Seungmin and Jonho's harmonisation they literally sounded like angels 😇
Wow they all look amazing, I love the Stray kids and BTOB pics side by side at the top
LOL Sm stans proving why they are TRASH...talk up their vocal skills when they have no talent at all. Maybe go learn from the HYBE artists not sm idols
lmao "HYBE artists, it's like holding a candle to a flame of SM vocals. You're getting sick from watching too much delulu content
and i remember i read before that nct and exo's concepts were conceptualized years before they debuted so i guess sm wasnt always doing things in a rush?
Yeah Lee somas has a book for his groups concepts that were written in 1990s. Like Exo's concept would have been given to H.O.T, thats how far back those concepts go. SM is really genius and innovative. They really keep us entertained with new ideas. Seriously cant wait to see aespa
Korea... umm you're scaring me now
ngl when I first saw the photo, I thought it was an old photo
me too! I feel like they used a similar concept in 4xDu era
Vampire Xiumin is gonna serve 😍
I think your definition of an all-rounder is lacking. Singing and dancing is the minimum for an idol. Rapping would be a bonus but doesn't make an idol an all-rounder, at least in my opinion.
In my opinion, an all-rounder is an idol who can sing, dance, rap, act, and entertain.
I think Baekhyun is an all-rounder because he can sing (4 solo albums + many solo singles in addition to his group activities), can dance, can rap ( he raps in EXO CBX songs), can act (he played in Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo), and he is great at entertaining.
This comment is to express my opinion and not to question the talent of any of the idols mentioned on this list or not.
Its fine you don't need to apologise or feel hesitant. <3
You're right, Baekhyun really has that allrounder feel to him. He's called a Genius Idol because of how talented he is and also how good he is at what he does. He's also very witty and creates a lively atmosphere on variety shows, EXO ladder was a whole meme fest because of BH😂, and manages things really well as a successful solo artist
Stray kids Felix! He caught my eye with his mullet.
wait, Lee Know in the worst selca list???? he's literally loved for his weird selfies, me included! 😸
please never change haha
Lol I cant do without his moon, orbit and cat selfies. He's a special one 😆
Lee Know haha he takes really unusual but cute selfies. He won for Selfie master on Whosfan 😂
These girls are killing it already!! They've got everyone hooked.
Bring it Aespa!!!! The stage is all yours
Waiting for Stray kids after 11 months 😍