Cherished giant panda, Fu Bao, has returned to China. While it has been reported that Fu Bao will not partake in this year's mating activities, experts believe she will be prepared for the following year.
As much as Fu Bao has been one of the most loved pandas in South Korea, gaining immense popularity over the years, many netizens are now shifting their focus to Fu Bao's prospective mating partner.
Recently, photos of Fu Bao's potential mating partner were circulated in a popular online community, prompting netizens to voice their discontentment with the male panda selection.

Korean netizens commented, "He looks like a beggar," "I thought the poster uploaded bad photos on purpose but he was ugly when he was a cub too," "He looks like an Ahjussi. It feels like we're sending Fu Princess to marry some old man," "This is the first time that I thought an animal looks like a beggar," "He's younger than Fu Bao and was loved in France as well. His nickname was 'Little Prince... He was cherished by the French people as much as Koreans loved Fu Bao... so let's not speak ill about him. Personally, I find him really cute. Fu Bao is undeniably beautiful and he's handsome too," "It's like pairing a princess with a beggar," "This is hilarious," "Our dumpling princess, :(" and "Wow, people are criticizing animal's faces too now? People are crazy."
So the unbelievable Korean "beauty standards" have been extended to animals too?? 🙄
Is this some kind of a joke??
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