Many people have different hobbies that they like to unwind from a long week of work or just to keep themselves entertained. While some hobbies might not cost anything, there are certain hobbies that cost quite a bit.
Recently, one netizen posted in a popular Korean online community the list of hobbies that Korean women hate would hate if their husbands did them. The netizens who gathered to the online community also left their two cents on the topic and gave some reasons why they would hate to see their husbands have these hobbies.
So here are the rankings from 1 to 8 of the 'hobbies that husbands have' that Korean women hate based on the screenshot.
Rank 1: Fishing
Rank 2: Anime fanatic
Rank 3: Motorcycle lover
Rank 4: Game addict
Rank 5: Car tuning
Rank 6: Husbands who are into cameras
Rank 7: Figuirine collector (Plastic models)
Rank 8: Raising rare or exotic animals
Netizens commented, "I think number 4 is the worst because I used to be a game addict and I would use a whole bunch of money," "I really hate 3 and 4. I wouldn't mind if my husband liked playing games but if it goes beyond that and he's addicted, then I would hate it," "I think 1 and 6 are okay but I would hate the rest too," "I think I hate everything except number 6," "I think number 3 is the worst because it can be dangerous. He's risking his life" "I think number 3 is the worst. I feel like if my husband spends money on his hobbies, I'll just spend the same amount on my hobby," "I think number 3 and 4 are the most dangerous lol," "I hate number 1. My dad used to love fishing and he would drag us on the days we had off. He would wake up super early and drag us. Not take us. drag us. My mom would go there to cook and my brother and I would just wait in the car all day. I hate it. So I wrote in my diary that I would never get married to a man who likes fishing when I was young, lol," and "I dated a guy who had hobby number 1 and I would never be able to go on dates with him because he would always go fishing on his days off early in the morning."
What are your thoughts?
You'd think given the culture that excessive drinking would be listed as a hobby nobody wants to face.
Be curious too what the reverse list would say.
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