Politically conservative groups in Korea are planning for mass rallying to take place next month.
According to Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, a number of conservative groups have been spreading information about their plans to hold a mass gathering on October 3, Korea's National Foundation Day. The number of individuals contacted for the future gatherings allegedly range from thousands to ten thousands of members.
The most alarming news, however, is the content of the digital poster for the rallying, which certain netizens have found and posted online. The poster asked that all participants of the demonstrations turn off all their mobile phones and to use cash rather than credit cards, in order to hide traces and evade contacts from the police.
Due to the upsurge of COVID-19 cases in the country, South Korea has officially banned all public gatherings involving more than ten individuals. Back in August, several accounts of mass rallying at Gwanghwamun Plaza had led to a quick rise in confirmed coranavirus cases. In order to prevent such recurrences, public officials are working eagerly to detect and impede mass gatherings much more in advance.
Meanwhile, the politically conservative groups in question have denied the validity of the poster that promotes the October 3rd gathering, which reads "Again 10.3, 14:00 (2 PM) Liberal Right-Wing Assembling. [...] Cell Phone OFF".

Oh my fucking goodness. Can these dumbasses use their fucking brains for once in their life?????