The River of Grace Community Church in Seongnam has infected its own members with the Coronavirus after sharing a saltwater spray bottle they sprayed inside their mouths. The spray was meant to protect them from the virus.

According to SCMP, “It’s been confirmed that they put the nozzle of the spray bottle inside the mouth of a follower who was later confirmed as a patient, before they did likewise for other followers as well, without disinfecting the sprayer,” said Lee Hee-young, head of Gyeonggi Province’s coronavirus task force. “This made it inevitable for the virus to spread,” he said. “They did so out of the false belief that saltwater kills the virus.”

All 135 followers of the church were tested, and 90 members attended the service in which the spray bottle was used. Forty-six individuals, including the pastor and his wife, have tested positive for the virus. All churches in the Seongnam region have suspended service except for the River of Grace Community Church. Because of this, the church has been under criticism for continuing to meet for Sunday services, despite protests from their neighbors. The head pastor, Kim, has since apologized for the mass infection, saying he “will take all blame and responsibility” while indicating he will retire after the crisis is over.
In times like this, stupidity is as dangerous as malice.