NJZ delighted fans with a playful social media post that has now gone viral.
On February 11, NJZ posted a photo that gained the attention of all their fans. One of the members posted a photo of a person walking on the street wearing a backpack adorned with a Haerin MURAKAMI Plush Keyring Doll. The photo was taken from behind and was shared with the caption, "They probably had no idea I was behind them. I often... imagine tapping them on the shoulder... I want to but when given the chance, I can't..."

The post quickly went viral, spreading across various online communities where other fans envied the fan in the photo. Although these fans were jealous, they pointed out how disappointed that fan must be since they had the chance to meet their beloved idol up close.
These fans commented that the fan in NJZ's post was lucky and unlucky at the same time. Korean netizens and fans commented:
"This fan missed out."
"I would be so happy and sad at the same time if I was that person."
"They were right behind this person. They missed out."
"Hul! Turn around! so crazy."
"How could this happen? If that was me, I would cry when I get home."
"This is the first time an idol posted a photo spotting a fan. lol."
"Look back. omg."
"This fan who so close!"
"I would faint if that was me."
"Oh my god, I hope this fan doesn't see this post."
"This is the luckiest and unluckiest fan. lol."
"If they just turned around..."
"Do I need to watch my back too now? lol."
"Where is this fan?"
"I would go crazy if that was me."
"I wonder if this fan knows about this."
"I'm disappointed for them. They were so close to meeting their idol."
"I would be so sad if I knew that was me! but I would be happy that NJZ took a photo of me. lol."
SEE ALSO: NJZ fans submit a petition to court in support of members' independent activities