IVE's Wonyoung is officially on a roll. Only a short time after IVE’s explosive recent comeback with ‘ATTITUDE’ and ‘REBEL HEART,’ member Jang Wonyoung has now stunned fans with her feature in Vogue Korea.
Along with the jawdropping photoshoot which was recently revealed, Wonyoung also participated in a candid interview with Vogue. The idol opened up about idol life, her personal goals and motivations, and her thoughts on IVE’s recent comeback.
Vogue: How was the photoshoot?
Wonyoung: It was the first time in a while I've gotten to do a shoot while wearing Tommy Jeans. I'm actually a model for Tommy Jeans. So it was nice to see the brand representatives again after a long time, and I was happy because they shared good stories with me.
Vogue: By 'good stories,' do you mean they told you 'you're pretty'?
Wonyoung: They told me that the brand has grown a lot thanks to me. I was grateful to hear that. It was motivating. I always hope that the brands I model for will receive a lot of love.
Vogue: You take both of your careers, as a musician and a model, very seriously.
Wonyoung: That's right. It's not like I'm only focusing on one thing while casually juggling the other. I take both seriously. If I only focus on one thing, I get bored easily. That's why I always want to try something new.
Vogue: The title songs of the new album 'IVE EMPATHY' are 'ATTITUDE' and 'REBEL HEART.' There must have been a process of deciding which song to promote first, right?
Wonyoung: We listened to the songs together and discussed them. We decided that 'REBEL HEART' would be the best choice for the first promotional track, because it has a grand atmosphere.
Vogue: What do you think about the opinion that 'ATTITUDE' suits IVE's style more?
Wonyoung: Personally, I liked 'ATTITUDE' more. I even participated in writing the lyrics. But I'm also fine with starting with 'REBEL HEART,' we put a lot of thought into which song feels the most 'IVE-like' as a group.
Vogue: The album title is 'IVE EMPATHY.' Is there a moment that you want others to relate to?
Wonyoung: Moments like that happen all the time. For example, when I find something really funny, but the other person doesn't laugh... I think, 'Why aren't they laughing'? But I especially want to feel understood by my mom. She's my closest person, and I have the most genuine conversations with her. Whenever I tell her something, I expect that she'll definitely empathize with me, and of course, she always does.
Vogue: Does your mom still find it amazing that her daughter is now a 'global superstar'?
Wonyoung: Definitely! Sometimes she'll suddenly ask, 'How did I get this lucky?' But she says she doesn't feel lucky because I'm a celebrity, she just feels lucky and grateful because I'm her daughter.
Vogue: I think everyone who likes Jang Wonyoung can agree with that. Out of everything you've done so far, which moment of your career stands out the most to you?
Wonyoung: Last year's Lollapalooza performance. It was amazing. IVE is a group that started in Korea, but so many people from all over the world were there cheering enthusiastically.
Vogue: In 'ATTITUDE,' there's a lyric that says 'When fate plays a trick, I've got to roll with it, what can I do?' If fate really did play a trick on you, what would you do?
Wonyoung: Since you can't escape fate by running from it, I believe that accepting and overcoming it will bring good things in the end. You just have to live through it. And if something needs to change along the way, then of course, you have to change it.
Vogue: In the lyrics of 'REBEL HEART,' there's a line that says 'You're lacking something, you're a bit overwhelming.' What part of you do you think is lacking, and what part of you is too much?
Wonyoung: If I had to pick something lacking, it's that I get bored really quickly. But I don't think of it as a flaw. It actually makes me work faster. As for something I have in excess? The love I receive from fans, the love I give, and my playful side.
Vogue: What have been the best and worst parts of living in the 'Jang Wonyoung era'?
Wonyoung: Since I was young, I've always believed that 'Jang Wonyoung is Jang Wonyoung.' I'm really happy that things have turned out as I imagined. I have no regrets.
Vogue: It must be hard to control your diet because of body management.
Wonyoung: I eat everything, though...
Vogue: Do you feel a sense of responsibility, due to being in the spotlight? Many people are curious about you.
Wonyoung: Hearing it phrased that way makes it seem very heavy, but I don't really think of it like that while actually working. I just do what I love, and people happen to watch. So I don't feel that it's a burden.
Vogue: Have you ever failed?
Wonyoung: No, I'm still young.
Vogue: Is there a gap between the Jang Wonyoung that fans expect and the Jang Wonyoung that you want to be?
Wonyoung: Not really. Our DIVEs will love me just the way I am. I have that faith in them.
Vogue: What does 'work' mean to a successful young musician with a bright future ahead?
Wonyoung: Work is the sweetener of rest. I'm really happy when I get a vacation every now and then.
Vogue: What keeps you going without getting tired?
Wonyoung: Change. Trying new things is a powerful motivator for me.
Vogue: What does 'Lucky Vicky' Jang Wonyoung find exciting right now?
Wonyoung: After this interview, I'm going to go eat some meat.
SEE ALSO: IVE’s fan concert ‘IVE SCOUT’ to be broadcast live in Lotte Cinema theaters nationwide