Mina, a former member of the girl group AOA and actress, recently shared a heartfelt update with her fans, revealing a challenging period in her life. She posted a photo on her social media, accompanied by the message, "I’ve been crying while writing in my journal after only eating one meal in the past four days."
She continued, "Why do so many bad things keep happening these days?" but expressed hope, saying, "But I believe that happiness will come soon, and I’m waiting for it." Earlier, Kwon Mina had shared the heartbreaking news that her pet dog, Mochi, had been diagnosed with cancer.
On January 20, she posted about the situation, saying, "Mochi has had a lump on her leg for years and has undergone multiple surgeries, but it kept recurring, and ultimately, she was diagnosed with cancer."
Kwon Mina also expressed deep love and gratitude towards Mochi, saying, "Mochi must have been in a lot of pain all this time, but I’m grateful she held on. She has always been especially fond of me, and today, I can't stop crying. My heart is breaking."
The actress revealed that she was preparing for euthanasia and the dog's funeral, but she was also open to alternative suggestions. "I’m preparing for her to pass peacefully without pain, but if there’s a better way, please let me know. I will do my best to be with her until her last moments," she wrote.
However, Kwon Mina later shared that she had not yet decided on euthanasia and planned to keep Mochi alive for as long as possible with treatment. "I will stay with her, even if it's just for a little while longer, to help her endure," she added.
In addition to her struggles, Kwon Mina recently announced a new career venture. After departing from AOA in 2019 following allegations of bullying within the group, she shared that she will be working as a consultation manager at a dermatology clinic, set to open in March. "I’ll be working as a consultation manager at a large-scale dermatology clinic opening in March," she revealed.
Kwon Mina, who debuted with AOA in 2012, has faced both personal and professional challenges, but she continues to move forward with resilience, whether in her love for her pet or her new career path.