As the latest guest star on Hyeri’s YouTube talk show, actress Bae Doo Na reveals that her current secret to staying in shape has to do with not binge-watching shows.

Though she has not had much trouble watching her weight in her twenties and thirties, Bae Doo Na has realized that she needed to pay more attention now that she is in her forties. As a result, she only has a TV in her exercise room and abides by the personal rule of only watching shows when she is on the treadmill. She said that while it gets a bit frustrating sometimes, it has helped her, and this is also why she does not binge watch any shows.

Bae Doo Na also mentioned that she used to be bad at accepting compliments, always responding to them in words of refusal. She notes that this stems from a cultural norm, where being humble is touted as a virtue in Korea, and such lingo is ingrained in Korean speech. However, when she ventured into the Western industry, she realized that refusing compliments may not always be seen as humility and instead may make one seem foolish. She has since taken heed of a friend’s advice to respond by saying thank you in return to compliments.